I think that the buzz word around this time of year is 'resolution'. New Years just seems to be synonymous with the concept of making changes and new resolutions. I get it - what better way to start something new and fresh then when we bring in the New Year. In fact, I used to always get a bit excited to make New Years resolutions. I remember even going to a New Years 'resolution party', where we all had to write down our resolutions and then put them in a big Tibetan singing bowl. The person who hosted the party then played the singing bowl and said an affirmation prayer. Then we all went outside where she burned the resolutions and we watched as the smoke left the bowl and headed towards the stars. It was actually a pretty cool experience.
Then there was year that I participated in the Venetian 'red underwear' superstition. A bunch of us went out to buy red underwear for each other, we wore it throughout New Years Eve and then at midnight, we went outside to burn the underwear and make affirmations of all the amazing things we wanted to make happen in the New Year. Good times :)
So what am I going to do this year? I'll probably make a few standard resolutions and be mindful of what I want to accomplish this year (you know, out of habit). However, what I'd REALLY like to do, is go back to the origins of the Latin 'resolvere', which is to 'loosen' and 'release'. How is it that over time words and concepts lose their original meaning? Back in the 14th century, the Latin 'resolutionem', was defined as: "process of reducing things into simpler forms". I personally, love this definition of a resolution. Why are we always trying to do something more or new? Why can't we resolve (or release) something in the New Year?
I really like the concept of the simple life. I think what I really need to do this year is ask myself: "What can I let go of?" I'm not just talking about things, but also: beliefs, perceptions, ideas that no longer serve me. People who study the concept of decluttering will tell you that there is a direct link between the physical aspect of your home and your internal emotional/mental state. As you release all the things that are cluttered in your home, you feel better emotionally too. How many of us are holding onto things from the past? Isn't it time to let that shit go???
I'll end this post with some words of wisdom. The Chinese Philosopher Lao Tzu said: "When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be." Similarly, Jesus spoke the following in Luke 9:62 "No one, having put his hand on the plow, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God". So you see, the true meaning of a resolution is 'letting go' and not looking back. It's about moving forward, with faith, and taking off the layers of things that no longer serve us. That may include people, things, concepts, mind-sets etc etc. Release the old and let in the new.
Happy New Year Everyone :) BE BLESSED!!!
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